1. Pneumatic machines
The benefits of pneumatic machinery come from its simplicity.
Pneumatic machines can be used in very extreme temperature conditions, without affecting their performance.
In terms of safety, the use of pneumatic and air systems avoids the use of hazardous materials. They also meet the requirements for explosion protection and machine safety because they do not create magnetic interference due to the lack of motors.
Pneumatic machines are also lightweight, require minimal maintenance, and have durable components that make pneumatics a cost-effective method.
Pressure losses and air compressibility make pneumatics less efficient than other systems. Compressor and air delivery limitations mean that operations at lower pressures will have lower forces and slower speeds.
To be truly efficient, pneumatic systems must be sized for a specific job. Therefore, they cannot be used for other applications.
Compressed air is a consumable, along with the compressor, which causes maintenance costs.
2. Hydraulic Machines
Hydraulic machines are robust and suitable for high force applications. They can produce forces 25 times greater than pneumatic cylinders of the same size.
A hydraulic system can maintain constant force and torque without the pump supplying more fluid or pressure, due to the incompressibility of the fluids.
Hydraulic machinery can have its pumps and motors located a considerable distance away with minimal loss of power.
A hydraulic machine can leak fluid. This fluid loss can lead to reduced efficiency and cleanliness issues, resulting in damage to components and surrounding areas.
Hydraulic systems require many complementary parts, including a fluid reservoir, motor, pump, relief valves, and heat exchangers, along with noise reduction equipment.
3. Electrical Machinery
Electric machines offer the highest precision control positioning. Its configurations are scalable for any purpose or force requirement, and are quiet, smooth, and repeatable.
In terms of noise, they are quieter than pneumatic and hydraulic ones. And because there are no fluid leaks, environmental risks are eliminated.
Electrical systems are not suitable for all environments, unlike pneumatic actuators, which are safe in hazardous and flammable areas.
A continuously running electric motor overheats, which increases gear wear. This also makes you have a greater risk of fire accidentally.
We hope that after this reading you will have a clearer understanding of the differences between hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical machinery. And if you still have questions, contact us or leave a comment. We will be happy to help you choose your ideal machinery for any job, both professional and amateur. At GLOMACHT we care that you know in depth all the technical information of all our machines so that you have a good experience when making your purchase through us.