First, what is a Panel Saw? It is a type of machine that is responsible for cutting large parts.. And second, what can you do with a Panel Saw? These machines are mostly used for cutting large pieces of wood when talking about woodworking, but also when cutting plastic and aluminium. The importance of this machine is the precision because it is controlled by computers. These machines are usually vertical or horizontal; the difference between them is the support since the horizontal saw panel comes with a table to rest the piece of work.

These machines are in high demand in the market as they fulfil a variety of jobs and facilitate cutting tasks with great precision. All these machines have evolved, the latest is equipped with strong technology and CNC controls, which means central numerical controls that help to improve the execution.

Best panel saw brands

Several brands stand out in the market for the quality of their machines and for their experience in the market. These are recognized by experts that do not hesitate to purchase them. Below we present a small list of some of the most recognized brands:







Where to buy a panel saw?

A Panel Saw can be purchased through auctions that are becoming more famous around the world. Another way is to buy it through brokers like GLOMACHT where you can find a large catalogue of machinery and trusted reliability. Here we leave a direct link where you can see all our  available machines.